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'Heart Speech' is like a heartbeat given words - it beats, literally and figuratively. When we speak from our hearts, our words resonate with a deeper truth than our heads can conceive alone. It is the language of feeling that knocks on your own heart and that of another.

Imagine this: your heart is like a wise storyteller who knows your story before your head has found the words. Through Heartspeak we find a rhythm that feels more natural than the rapid thinking of our head. It is like a dance where head and heart move together - where every heartbeat carries a truth that 'beats'.

mountain landscape

The Way of the Heart -
A Personal Story

A profound experience of consciousness in 1970 opened the first doors to a new dimension of consciousness. What began as an exploration of consciousness became the starting point of a lifelong journey inward. Shortly thereafter my path crossed that of Hans Korteweg, who not only became my best friend, but also my mentor in understanding the spiritual dimensions of life.

While translating Alexander Lowen's work, who together with John Pierrakos developed Bioenergetica, I better understood how emotional pain gets stuck in our bodies, becoming a trauma that burdens our lives.

This knowledge took on a new dimension when life confronted me with its hardest lesson: the loss of my 4-year-old son. That pain, however unbearable in the first years, eventually became a gateway to a deeper understanding of love and compassion.

The Biblical "Let the children come to me" gradually took on a deeper meaning. It became more than words - it became the heartbeat of what would later grow into Hartspraak, my institute for inner growth and healing.

My path was further enriched by the wisdom of the 'Padwork' of John and Eva Pierrakos, and later by the modern insights of Joe Dispenza and Eckhart Tolle. A special collaboration with Lonneke van Houten deepened my understanding of attachment and emotional healing.

HeartMath, where I discovered the concept of heart coherence, opened up a new way of working. This was no coincidence - it was as if the physical challenge took me exactly where I needed to be. Heart coherence became an essential element in my work, as a scientific confirmation of what I always knew intuitively: the heart has its own wisdom.

Today my mission is clearer than ever: to guide people to their inner child, to their heart wisdom. Because in that space of the heart we find what we have always been looking for - the harmony between body, mind and soul.

Martien Janssen December 1, 2024

Our tools

Working with the Inner Child

Many of our patterns and beliefs are rooted in childhood. Working with your inner child allows you to explore the pain points and experiences from your childhood. By healing these old wounds and deep-rooted beliefs, you create space for more compassion and self-acceptance. This process is an invitation to look at yourself with loving attention and to embrace the parts of yourself that may still be asking for recognition. It not only helps you to understand yourself better, but also to develop a healthier relationship with yourself.


Systemic Work and Family Constellations

This method offers a unique perspective on the deep-rooted patterns and dynamics within your family system. By working systemically, you gain insight into how your relationships and feelings have been influenced by events and connections in your family history. Family constellations help you to recognize and release hidden patterns, so that you can move more freely in your current relationships. This process can be profound and moving, as it allows you to heal old wounds and discover new ways of connecting with yourself and others.


Bodywork and Holotropic Breathing




Body-oriented therapies, such as holotropic breathing, are powerful tools to release emotional tensions and blockages in your body. These methods offer you the opportunity to connect with your feelings and the tension you hold in your body through intensive breathing and movement. By releasing this tension, you experience a deeper connection with yourself and a sense of liberation. It not only helps you to find physical relaxation, but also to process emotional blockages, leading to a deeper state of well-being.


Group work

In a safe and supportive group environment, you will have the opportunity to share your feelings and experiences. Group work offers a valuable opportunity to mirror your own processes to those of others. You will learn to ask for help, set boundaries and be open about your emotions. Working together with others in a safe setting not only promotes your own growth, but also creates a sense of connection and togetherness. This interaction can lead to new insights and a deeper understanding of yourself and the world around you.


Meditation and Guided Fantasy Journeys

During our workshops we use meditation and guided visualizations to bring you into contact with your deepest layers of consciousness. These techniques are valuable for discovering subconscious images and beliefs. Meditation helps you to find inner peace and to understand yourself better. Guided fantasies take you on a journey within, where you can gain new insights and tap into creativity. These methods offer you the opportunity to reinvent yourself and explore new possibilities for your life.



The neuroVIZR is an innovative brain stimulation device that uses light and sound to stimulate targeted neuroplastic changes in the brain. Unlike traditional ‘top-down’ brain training, this device uses a ‘bottom-up’ approach via short sessions of 5-11 minutes. This new method of ‘Brain Engagement’ activates and guides real brain changes, based on the principle that the brain adapts to what it actively uses and finds important, making it a powerful tool for positive neurological change.


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